OOC Thread #2

Started by Dave Baughman, July 26, 2010, 03:38:13 PM

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Deleted as directed.


Just a friendly reminder orders are due. If they are in before midnight PST they are not late after midnight they are late. If you need an extension PM the GM staff.

Dave Baughman

FYI, first reports have been sent and the combat boards are open.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Since the Dark evacuated, does the TC have to post an invasion, or is Taurus automatically back in TC's hands?

Dave Baughman

As long as the SLDF doesn't contest it for some bizarre reason, Taurus is yours.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


SLDF does not contest.  We came to free Taurus for Taurus.  If there are sufficient defenders, then, there is no need for it to be a protecorate.


Just an FYI to all. DO NOT send PMs to the GMs personal PM account, ONLY send them to FC62GM.


Question.... no great rush, but have all the intel results been rolled for and results sent?


Dave Baughman

Quote from: Parmenion on January 11, 2011, 10:57:38 PM
Question.... no great rush, but have all the intel results been rolled for and results sent?


I believe at this point everyone who got orders in on time for 1st reports has received their intel. Anyone who came in after the deadline will get their info at 2nd reports at or about teh 14th.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Hi folks, as I write this, DR6 is readjudicating the battle at Coventry in light of information that was brought to the attention of the GM Team. Once this is complete, there will be a limited special window to submit ammended orders. Please see below for the criteria:

1. Ammended orders will only be accepted from factions that were directly impacted by the Turn 44 Coventry thread.
2. Ammended orders are due by Monday, 17 January and any new threads stemming from them must be posted by midnight on Tuesday the 18th.
3. The only changes authorized for the ammended orders are going to be modifications of the status and actions of units that were directly impacted by the Coventry readjudication.

Please note that we're very aware that giving people a chance to ammend orders based on the fixes to Coventry does create the possibility for abuse, but we're trusting everyone to demonstrate good sportsmanship and not utilize their knowledge of events in Turn 45 to gain an unfair advantage. If there's a problem with this, we won't be able to offer this sort of an arrangement next time something like this comes up.

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Alright Coventry.

This is what Im going to say about this.

I believe in my heart the GM's have done everything they could to be fair to the Adders. Infact to be honest they have been more then fair to the Adders but I can understand it. They care about the game, they care about the players and they want to have a good experience for everyone.

I also believe in my heart that the Adders have done everything they could to ring advantage out of the letter of the rules and not the spirit.

Here is what I know. The Rimworlds have forces on Coventry over 50 FP that have not been damaged which were placed under the use of the coalition. I had more forces left after eating the majority of the damage from the previous turn then the 168 FP mentioned. I had a disrupt communications action runnning at +3 on the Adder Fleet.

That Adder Warships that I have confirmed killed and hull's salvaged in Turn 43 were fighting in Turn 44 as if they had not been damaged.

That Adder Com Warships that I apparently killed I had to run intel operations to find out what had happened to them even though I had already killed them because the Adders were not properly handling their side of the thread Considering Turn 44 ran 2 months and they had 3 months to deal with this I consider this deliberate on their part.

These are not assumptions, or guesses these are things that I know to be true both IC and OOC.

I also don't consider it out of the question to question the existence of any Adder Blockades outside of the Coventry system still existing with the number of Coventry hex's the FWL has cleared around Coventry of Blockades since turn 41 or 42 especially in light of the Adder irregularities in their Naval compoenent that has been caught at Coventry.

Further the Adders in Turn 43 despite everyone's best efforts to resolve Coventry early waited until after turns ended and provided the GM's a elaborate plan of how their forces would act via PM without notifying the other side so we just were waiting for standard GM Sim Res. That the otherside could not respond to because A) We didn't know it was allowed. and B) it flies in the face of how GM Sim Res has worked in our experience. No one withdraws one side is wiped out. That is how GM Sim Res has worked in my experience throughout this game.

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[Removed by Moderator]
The downside of GM Sim Res has always been. Both sides fight until one of them has been wiped out.

You don't get to use fancy orders, you don't get to use Intel Op's you don't get to use Delaying tactics you just keep rolling until one side cries uncle.

That is what GM Sim Res has always been.

Now that being said. I make it a point not to second guess the GM's I accept all their rulings as their rulings I am not trying to force a new evaluation of the Adders moves.

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Last bit all respect to Dave, Other Dave, and LittleH for being GM's and finding the best right road they can. As always I will respect all decisions you have made and will not second guess them.

[DK- alright, so we need to keep a lid on actually calling out specific persons or groups(which includes factions). People get upset sometimes, thats fine, and venting ok aswell, but to a point. That point doesn't include calling people out, or saying they are cheaters, or accusing them of metagaming, or anything else that is essentially garaunteed to start a fight.

This post has been modified according to Forum Rule 1/F. Please keep all responses/comments about the contents of this post friendly, non-accusatory, and certinly no name calling, or else stricter sanctions will be brought up. I'm warning everyone right now- if ANY response to this violates the forum rules, or gets close enough to them(my call), i'm bumping you straight to a 72 hour cooldown.]


I have to ask: where are you, Star Adder players? I know about IM, he is not active, but you other 2?

This situation right now is so bad, we and your Clan need you. You know what happens with factions that dont have a leader, right? As a fan of the Adders I dont want them to go down like this, so please tell me something, that you are still here, etc.

Please?  :-\

Iron Mongoose

Like he said, don't look at me.  I still see an occasional PM, so at least I think that Dis and Grae are alive.  But are they active?  That's for them to say.


not really feeling all that needed or wanted, so am taking a leave of absence until my perception changes


*sigh* At least I saw you two now.  :(