OOC Thread #2

Started by Dave Baughman, July 26, 2010, 03:38:13 PM

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Quote from: Marlin on March 13, 2011, 04:45:53 PM
What are the Dark capable of now that they are sent back packing?

Are the Dark going for a hike? They might want to be careful when hitchhiking...


Well, I can't speak for the Dracs(currently GM controlled), the Liaos(currently Cannonshop controlled), but as for the FedSuns(me controlled!) we have very little to do with the TH. However, if they start crumbling, we'll be doing what we can to move in. However, that won't be far, as about half the hexes currently tagged as 'TH' will stay under ComStar's direct control, with the ComGuards forming a garrison force. More specifics I can't say.

The rest of the ex-TH planets will have small Wolf's Dragoons garrisons based on their HPG stations, but I believe the majority of the planets are going Independant. I know DR has said that Outreach's hex is forming it's own small nation based around the Dragoons, but it'll be more Alliance than anything else.

Pretty sure that the dark are going POOF and disappearing. Not 100%, but thats the vibe I got.

And I don't have a clue how the TH's fall from power is going down. Didn't get brought up in our talks. I would assume that the Clans don't make any kind of military pressure on the TH's worlds itself, though they might be engaging and destroying pockets of TH personnel. Though I think it should be obvious to those with access, much of what is going on in the THAC is going to lead directly to the TH's distintigration
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


So i talked to DR before he left the other day. I havn't had a chance to talk to him yet, but the Dracs will NOT be GM controlled, assuming the player chosen by DR wishes to step upto the plate and take a swing. I'll let him tell you all if he chooses to accept.

As for Marlin's question about the TH's fall: DR has confirmed that their collapse will be largely internal, and that the Clans will play a very minor roll in what goes on. I assume he is cooking things up for all of us to do to keep us from playing in TH territory, though the barrier of the DC stops us from going straight from the Dominion's liberation.

on a different note, I've started getting a few pieces of length RP together about how the new Lyran Alliance forms. The format i'm currently taking(because it easier for me to keep it straight this way, weirdly enough), is to have a small period in the 3090 era, with usually mundane happenings, but generally with important characters being revealed(such as the director of the LIW in the first one), and then have a flashback to something important that happened with those characters. Each post is supposed to be a small self-contatined story about how the nation has been formed, with the final touches being done just before we step into playable time again.

If anyone wants to do RP interactions with the Lyrans, please begin these in the Lyran Commonwealth rp thread, as i wish to keep the Lyran Alliance one as a clean slate that denotes the birth of the new nation, atleast untill jump-off(or if something extremly important happens right before jump-off). Same for the Falcons and the Falcon RP thread. I won't be doing any external RP for the RWR or CLP, as those factions are being dissolved into the Lyran Alliance.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


DK... reference your last post.  The Kell Hounds became House unit of the OWA (through marriage) and subsequently become part of the HA Touman.

I'm open to listening to your ideas though, as they are of considerable size and hopefully you are aware of the CHH interactions with the Lyran Commonwealth/Alliance.


Wasn't aware of that, and I don't think DR6 was either, because we'd talked about the Kell Hounds returning to the Lyran Alliance. Will have to see what DR says.

And I havn't seen anything going on between the Hell's Horses and the Commonwealth, so direct me and I'll see whats been going on.

Edit: the only thing I see is some General asking a planetary govorner whats going on in Donegal and Tharkad... if theres something else that was happening, it's unknown to me.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


kai was never part of the kell hounds either.  Also, he is fully part if the sldf, so, his actions would have to feed from the sldf.  Also, part of the hounds went to the cc and became house there.  Dont remember where else they went.


The Hounds from the CC are the ones me and DR specificlly discussed. I didn't, and I assume he didn't realize they had split up, with parts in the Horse Alliance. Soo, the Horse Alliance Hounds are an issue me and Parm can look into, if theres something mutual there. I dont think he's going to just release warriors 'back home' from kindness.

And DR seemed to think that Kai was the current Kell Hound leader, although if he is in the SLDF, he could be wrong. Dunno when I'll talk to him next, but we'll figure it out. Either way, the Hounds 'working' for the CC were going to be coming home to Arc Royal, as theres only a very small portion of them currently under contract to House Liao. Even if he is in the SLDF currently, I'll have to see what DR says about him coming back to Arc Royal. I don't know whose next after Morgan for Duke of Arch Royal, I assumed it was Kai.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Hey Daemon, you might include some hints of Ice Hellion Presence on Arc Royal in your RP. There is no way we would sit by and watch you take it alone.

Alright? As it was in our sphere of interest, the surrounding Planets would be struck by now by Ice Hellion forces, the direct path to AR leads through Wolfsbaum Station. It would be an all sides assault.

The Diplomatic fallout if you deny us the stuff would follow later, though. ;) Will try to get some RP up for this. later though.


Quote from: Daemonknight on March 19, 2011, 06:03:23 AM
The Hounds from the CC are the ones me and DR specificlly discussed. I didn't, and I assume he didn't realize they had split up, with parts in the Horse Alliance. Soo, the Horse Alliance Hounds are an issue me and Parm can look into, if theres something mutual there. I dont think he's going to just release warriors 'back home' from kindness.

I'm aware of the Kell Hounds detachments within the CC (and have them on my HA spreadsheet).  Was not aware of any 'split' to make them anything other than OWA/HA house units.

They certainly didn't show up on the C37 Capellan Empire orders sheet.

The C39 OWA orders sheet has the 3rd and 4th Regiments contracted to the CE.  The 9th Regiment (never completely formed by the looks of it) was also in the CE.  As was the Hounds Command and Allard Guard formations. 

I certainly expect these also to remain OWA/HA House units.


I must admit Im not wholly comfortable with the new LA and from Ive gathered on its reformation from the RP thus far
No probs with Skye and the Falcons going after the Arc Royal fraction...the RWR howeveer is another matter

I just cant see Adam rejoining anything that doesnt have him at the head of it he`d fight tooth and nail against the hordes of Hell

not to mention there are multiple Factions that want a piece of his hide and to have a hand in the demise of his RWR...UIW, Adders, Skye, and probably the Cats...with even a small chance of FWL involvement


There is another choice DK.  Alaric Kell, natural born child of Phelan and Ranna.  Raises in the Wolves/sldf.  Take some role play to clean up the damage the Lyrans did to that relationship.could be fun.


I was wondering when everyone would start coming at me for the Lyran bit ;) I'll go at this sequentially...

@Marlin: The Falcons are not directly involved in Robert going after Arc Royal. Aside from assisting with a bit of planning, Desmond Mattlov's presence is the only actual indication the Falcons have anything to do with Robert Kelswa-Steiner's campaign to reunite the Lyran Commonwealth. So if your problem is that the Falcons arn't including you...they really arn't included themselves at this point. They're assisting in other areas, but they arn't participating in the Arc Royal sphere. Now, if you plan on attacking those worlds you share a border with, there is a whole new slew of problems, because while they might be in what you call a sphere of influence, they ARE still Lyran worlds. And that's a problem I'm not up to dealing with at this point, because I'm still trying to get the RP down for the Alliance.

@Parm: The Capellans have listed 3-4 line units of the Kell Hounds as mercenaries. By definition, Mercenary units arn't House units. I especially don't see how the Horses are still hiring units out as Mercenaries, consider the universal distaste Clanners feel towards Mercs. So I don't see how a mercenary group is considered a 'House' unit. Marriage doesn't make them a house unit, it makes their current leader a nobleman(maybe). either they're mercs, and they don't belong to anyone, or else they're a House unit of the OWA and they arn't mercs anymore.

@GraeGor: Thus far, I havn't touched on the RWR being brought into the Alliance yet. Not sure how you can have a problem with it already, as theres no RP on how it happens. I havn't fully worked it up yet on my own, but Adam Steiner will NOT still be kicking around in 3090.

@NVA: never head of Alaric, but I'll have to talk to DR about the whole Kell situation anyways, so it might not even matter depending on what he says. Might just drop the Hounds returning, or else change it so that instead of the 'current' Kell Hounds coming back(ala the units in the CC and OWA), the retired Hounds reform a defense unit and rebuild a new force thats somehow related to the Hounds, without actually being them.

the whole thing with the Hounds, btw, was DR's idea for what to do about Clan Wolf. Apparently he doesn't want the Wolves to be the Wolves anymore, even within the SLDF. His idea was to have the vast majority of the Trueborns join the Wolf's Dragoons(who have gained something of a minor alliance of the worlds within their hex), while the freeborns would be leaving to join the Kell Hounds on Arc Royal. Sooo, that whole situation might change- maybe the freeborns goto the OWA, maybe they just 'disappear'. I don't know, as I said, its not wholly my idea, so its not like I can just up and go "oh, I was wrong, i'll change it".

Also there seems to be a miscommunication somewhere. People are talking as if the Jade Falcons are reuniting the Lyrans themselves. This is not the case. As of 3071(the current time of my 'flashbacks'), the Falcons are not in direct conflict with any portion of the Lyran Commonwealth, or its break-away factions. The UIW was included in the Arc Royal campaign because CS asked to be. Nobody else has said anything, so I havn't written anyone else in yet. The Falcons didn't touch Arc Royal, which is why theres no mention of the Hellions.

Untill about 3085, people should treat the Falcons and Lyrans as 2 seperate factions.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Quote from: GraeGor on March 19, 2011, 11:38:44 AM
I must admit Im not wholly comfortable with the new LA and from Ive gathered on its reformation from the RP thus far
No probs with Skye and the Falcons going after the Arc Royal fraction...the RWR howeveer is another matter

I just cant see Adam rejoining anything that doesnt have him at the head of it he`d fight tooth and nail against the hordes of Hell

not to mention there are multiple Factions that want a piece of his hide and to have a hand in the demise of his RWR...UIW, Adders, Skye, and probably the Cats...with even a small chance of FWL involvement

The FWL gets their chunk of the RWR, so they atleast would likly not care about Adam. The UIW is a bit far away and is mostly locked off from doing anything useful, considering the Adders barely even return their messages, let alone grant them Safcon to the RWR and back. Skye is part of the Lyran Commonwealth, not sure why they are mentioned. Don't know why the Adders would give a rats ass about Adam. Same for the Cats. Adders/Cats might want their territory, but thats all I can see those 2 having any real interest in the RWR.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


[quote author=Marlin link=topic=128.msg21772#msg21772 date=1300572627

Several months later, the first worlds of the former Arc Royal Defensive Cordon, later becoming the core of the CLP, were falling. Arc Royal would follow. The Ice Hellions would fight alongside their Allies the Jade Falcons and the Robert Loyalists against fanatic opposition, eventually overcoming them with their proficiency, power and skill. 


Unless theres some discussion between us, I'm not adding any Hellion presence, or giving up any of my worlds. As stated before, the Falcons arn't involved, I don't know why people keep thinking they are.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Quote from: Daemonknight on March 19, 2011, 11:27:25 PM
The FWL gets their chunk of the RWR, so they atleast would likly not care about Adam. The UIW is a bit far away and is mostly locked off from doing anything useful, considering the Adders barely even return their messages, let alone grant them Safcon to the RWR and back.

I havent received any requests (publicly or privately) for SafCon from anyone on that topic

IF the RWR is going to be broken apart, then there better be some consulting with any others that may have an interest in being part of its dismantling

same should apply to the CLP/Arc-Royal (see below)

QuoteSkye is part of the Lyran Commonwealth, not sure why they are mentioned.

Ive generally listed, and think of, Skye as Skye, not the LC, in my IC posts, and it carried over in to my OOC ones as well, as in my mind there has been no LC since it fractured

QuoteDon't know why the Adders would give a rats ass about Adam. Same for the Cats. Adders/Cats might want their territory, but thats all I can see those 2 having any real interest in the RWR.

To the Adders, Adam is Amaris Reborn, and needs to be removed from existence

Ive RPed a fair amount on the Adder's attitude/feelings regarding Adam...they despise what he did, they desire to see him either brought to some form of justice or trial for or solid evidence that he is dead (ie, his body)...cant speak for the Cats, other than Ive gotten the impression that theyd have an interest

hell, for all I know, the Marians may have an interest as well

Quote from: Daemonknight on March 19, 2011, 11:49:36 PM
[quote author=Marlin link=topic=128.msg21772#msg21772 date=1300572627

Several months later, the first worlds of the former Arc Royal Defensive Cordon, later becoming the core of the CLP, were falling. Arc Royal would follow. The Ice Hellions would fight alongside their Allies the Jade Falcons and the Robert Loyalists against fanatic opposition, eventually overcoming them with their proficiency, power and skill. 

Unless theres some discussion between us, I'm not adding any Hellion presence, or giving up any of my worlds. As stated before, the Falcons arn't involved, I don't know why people keep thinking they are.

even the Adders may have a small interest in a few CLP systems, and the Hellions have long held/expressed an interest in taking pieces of the CLP/Arc-Royal, so odds are if theyre involved, any worlds they take, theyll want to keep (at least from my understanding from past events/discussions IC and OOC)

or optionally, if theyre not involved by invitation, they may take the opportunity to take some anyways

such happens when a select few make blanket decisions without discussion amongst those who may also have been making plans for their own actions against the targets in question (ie, Factions sharing a common Border)

probably due to the very first post in the LA IC thread (see below quote), as nothing was mentioned as to the when in that "introductory" post, only that they are (not would be, but are part of the new LC)

Quote from: Daemonknight on March 16, 2011, 03:02:10 AM
Faction roleplaying thread(for reference, this is the new nation that has risen from being the CLP, RWR, LC, and CJF)

also, there is nothing indicating that only portions of any of the list would be part, to me it seems to indicate that the entirety of each faction becomes the new LA

if it had read "this is the new nation that will rise from the LC, the remains of the CLP, pieces of the RWR, and, eventually, CJF" would have eliminated most confusion

so Im thinking before this gets to far out of hand, and potentially pushes away more players, there needs to be discussions and a map update so we all can see where we stand post T46 (as I, for one, have outstanding Events that need resolving), yet before the final jump into T47/3090