OOC Thread #2

Started by Dave Baughman, July 26, 2010, 03:38:13 PM

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I will remind all of you to keep things civil. I am in the middle of relocating across the country and I'm not going to have steady internet access. Once my move is complete and I am back online we will be proceeding with T47/3090. Decisions made at that time will be FINAL keep in mind I am keenly aware that the various entities in the LC (Skye/Arc-Royal/RWR) region have interests there. To put it simply all parties in the region will be accounted for. On another note your "starting packages" will also be issued at that time. I would be very,very unhappy to come back online and see the game dead because you are arguing over who gets what.

Ensure that all of your documentation is in order and be prepared to work a lot on your orders sheet until then roleplay put you internal issues and with each other. This may be a war game but the role play is what gives it that extra pop. If you do any trades et. al. make sure I have a copy of the PM in in the GM account or it never happened. I will be offline beginning Monday the 21st until I get the service provider end sorted out but should pop on when wi-fi is available so be ready and keep playing the game. It would be very nice to see lots of RP in the faction threads.


DR6, does that mean you got what you wanted? If so, congrats.

And of course we are keeping it civil, the problem with overlapping RP is that we dont have an "overlord" an authority that streamlines all this to make it fit, so things will keep problematic in the way we see with the AR-Worlds.

Its just natural.

Daemon, I think we discussed the way it would go when we first discussed the issue of the AR between our 2 Clans, now the situation has not changed much for me but your stance has (with you having Robert and stuff). The Hellions would indeed try to swallow that whole buncha worlds but as I said it will have to be sorted out by DR6 anyway later (Or you would have a deal for it with Lyrans and Falcons or something).

And as we are here at the OOC, I will try to do some coordination in the Clan threads at least for the Anti-Scientist ops. The RWR stuff from the Cats perspective is another big issue as they hang in the air, I will have to assume much there. But well, if it has to be redacted than so be it, later.


Quote from: Marlin on March 20, 2011, 09:06:45 AM
Daemon, I think we discussed the way it would go when we first discussed the issue of the AR between our 2 Clans, now the situation has

we had OOC discussions of what we were thinking if we used military force to take over the CLP. Considering the Falcons are not assaulting the CLP, the only way the Hellions are going to gain any ground is by assaulting those worlds. And doing it without making a deal with Robert(who is NOT a Jade Falcon), will result in a declaration of war against the Lyran Commonwealth.

For clarity: regardless of personal opinion, in the absolute strictest sense, the region of Skye-Donegal IS the Lyran Commonwealth. They are still 'Lyran' worlds, they are still ruled by an Archon, they still follow the Articles of Acceptance. So people saying 'the Lyran Commonwealth is dead' is a personal opinion because of civil war. Don't forget, civil war is when a Nation is rebelled against by its own people. To be a civil war, the host nation must still exist. Otherwise, its not a civil war- its just war. The LyCom still exists, even if it's much smaller and less powerful than it was previously.

Second: I think alot of confusion is stemming from Robert. Okay, so, Robert is, has been, will always be a Lyran Commonwealth/Alliance character. He IS NOT JADE FALCON IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM. The sole region I was allowed to play him, is because the Falcons rescued him from Tharkad AND HIS FACTION DID NOT HAVE A PLAYER. If DR hadn't gone GM, Robert would never have been under my control in any way. So, HIS actions, are NOT the actions of the Jade Falcons.

Third: There have been weeks of time passing since we were told to get our RP started. Nobody has contacted me about ANYTHING, Falcon-related or otherwise. I posted my initial RP 2 days prior to the fall of Arc Royal, and still nobody contacted me about the situation, despite Marlin knowing weeks ago what my overall plan was(ooc btw, so I have trouble with the posts in the Hellion RP thread about them being concerned with Robert, considering they know nothing my plans IC.)

And still, unless someone has spies on Arc Royal, or Freedom, NOBODY IC knows the Falcons have even the slightest attachment to the Arc Royal bit, as there is a grand total of a single CJF warrior in Robert's camp at the moment.

That being said, because so many people seem to have taken issue with my RP after the fact, I'll say that anyone who wants a piece of the CLP, get with me within a week and we can have an IC talk about whats going on. And I don't mind giving parts of the region up. But Arc Royal itself is going to the Lyrans, unless someone tries taking it by force. Seeing as how that's only happening if DR tells me I lost it, that will have to wait until he's settled in.

As for the RWR, nobody has attacked it, nobody has discussed attacking it, and I was told that it was going to be part of the Lyran Alliance come the reset. If the borders change between now and then, its because DR reset them. So my RP isn't going to include other people, because nobody I'd actually work with is close enough- UIW is cut off by distance and the Star Adders, Hellions are cut off by distance(and the Lyrans or Star Adders, depending on route), the FWL is doing it's level best to subvert the lower half of the nation(because subversion is so much more cost effective than war, and that's just how they roll), and there's no way in hell the Falcons OR the Lyrans will work with the Star Adders while they still control a large portion of what amounts to rebellious worlds.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Quote from: Daemonknight on March 19, 2011, 11:21:36 PM

@@Parm: The Capellans have listed 3-4 line units of the Kell Hounds as mercenaries. By definition, Mercenary units arn't House units. I especially don't see how the Horses are still hiring units out as Mercenaries, consider the universal distaste Clanners feel towards Mercs. So I don't see how a mercenary group is considered a 'House' unit. Marriage doesn't make them a house unit, it makes their current leader a nobleman(maybe). either they're mercs, and they don't belong to anyone, or else they're a House unit of the OWA and they arn't mercs anymore.

Always took it as a standing defense arrangement organised by previous factional heads and left it at that.  And it fit into the 'Bizarre but minor' category compared to some of the other stuff I found.  Still, will wait to see what DR6 says about it all.


Lots o stuff posted here. :P Fallin behind on my current intel. :P Anywho, in regards to the Lyrans part of what we'd sent in as regard to our future, once the TH was less of an issue, we were pushing to get the Arcturus thumb back. The people chose us and we would be remiss in our duties if we did not provide ;)


well, the LA doesn't include Arcturus of Menkent's hexes, so you don't need to deal with me for those. I think thats SLDF gray, yes?
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Eric is correct..in reference to Arcturus and Menkent.


Part of the problems of IC stuff is that I am walking blindly. You, DK, have some information about the Lyran and Falcon Situation in the future, I know of some rimward worlds of the RWR that should go to the Cats others might have other bits. Not sure. But that is all and thus if we are to do RP, those problems will come.

I will take you up on the RP stuff (my RP started somewhat later due to RL and then I am bad at doing initiative RP as many know) we need some agreements or decisions.


Alright folks here's the deal. There is no reason to be raising a huge fuss over anything. I know that all of you have questions on what's happening and I have been trying to balance real life and the game. Due to the previously mentioned issues it has been difficult and it's gonna be even harder for a time. I have been trying to make myself available to all of you via Skype as well so if I missed you I apologize. I know it is the same for EVERY single one of you that real  life comes first. Those of you who have communicated with me and are waiting for a reply WILL be dealt with. I appreciate all of you hanging in there with the game and will do my best to address the PMs once I am settled in my new home. Until that point paitence is required and I will not move any faster if you pester me. Dave B will be checking on things for me but will not be able to adress game related issues just board conduct. Josh is not an alternate path either. There will be a turn 46 map completed today. it will be posted as soon as it has been looked over.


Does anyone know the FGC status of Omi, and her and Victor's child Kitsune?

Iron Mongoose

As far as I can recall, Omi still lives.  I don't recall if their child was ret coned away as one of the game's starting changes or not, however.  I feel like he was, but I don't really have a strong sense one way or the other.  Omi gave birth while Victor was away on campaign, which did take place in this time line, so it is fully possible, though it would still be a very closely held secret, and no telling how the verious Black Dragon led dust ups in the Combine may have impacted things, or the shake up in ComStar/Terra, or anything else. 

Lord Harlock

Actually, Kitsune exists. He was mentioned in passing by Welshman. Omi as I recall took Kitsune with her to live with Victor as the Combine entered the Black Dragon Civil War. But that was in 2006, and as Iron mentioned the various plans of factions on Terra have occurred since then.


Iron Mongoose

Ah, I must have missed that (though now that you say it, it sounds more right). 

Since we know him to have been born, and we don't know him to have died, he can be alive or not alive at the discression of who ever would be his controlling player.  Though that's a custody battle I don't want to be a part of.


With Victor outta Coma, the three now can live as a family happily ever after. I would be happy for them.

Should they cross my path, however...  >:(  ;)