Reward for Chaos's map making......

Started by LittleH13, July 28, 2010, 02:05:56 AM

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We do not have stupid special "NIOPSian" rules  :P

Quote from: august on July 28, 2010, 05:15:57 AM
I saw we let him revive any dead person in the CBT universe, from Adam to Peter Steiner-Davion, and let him run that character as an undead monstrosity loyal to the faction of his choice.

As a serious option, we could buy him some beer. Or let his factions have some sort of HPG breakthrough.


He is coming to visit Dave and myself in November and we will be attending the NH beer fest. So in short, this will be taken care of.

Quote from: DXM on July 28, 2010, 08:19:42 AM
What if he's not old enough to drink?


First off I am honored.

Second beer justifies the existence of much of the world. All Hail Beer!

Thirdly...what is this custom design of which you speak? Do all factions get one or is this something that comes out of R&D rolls?


If I recall correctly, you get 2 per faction, and extras only if you have more players... I could be wrong about the last part :P


And that's on hold right now, anyway, until Dave and Josh work on the new rules for that.  Only grandfathered designs are able to be fielded.

Iron Mongoose

The rule had been three, irrespective of faction size (unless you were a merc, then you got just one), but it has not really resurfaced on these new boards.  I'd favor one for each player, since we don't have any factions big enough to swamp us with custom designs any more.

As for grandfathered designs... we'll, I'm in with quite a few mechs then.


Quote from: Parmenion on July 28, 2010, 12:12:37 PM
Mmmmm... the FWL has a number of internal hexes that are devoid of planets.  So I think a free exploration roll for every cycle he has been making the map so far.  And one free exploration roll as from now for every cycle he produces an updated map.

And have the roll be a 7 or better on a 2d6.  Just to make the odds slightly better than 50/50.


That's reasonable in my opinion.


Quote from: Deathrider6 on July 28, 2010, 06:26:45 PM
Quote from: Parmenion on July 28, 2010, 12:12:37 PM
Mmmmm... the FWL has a number of internal hexes that are devoid of planets.  So I think a free exploration roll for every cycle he has been making the map so far.  And one free exploration roll as from now for every cycle he produces an updated map.

And have the roll be a 7 or better on a 2d6.  Just to make the odds slightly better than 50/50.


I do like free stuff. Seriously all your suggestions are awesome and I appreciate it. ;-) Im good with whatever. Though if there is a Civil War in the FWL don't be suprised if Tommy pulls a Janos or is it better to say a Geralk?

Or as I like to think of it a Mengsk "I won't be stopped not by you, not by the Regulan's, the Andurien's or the Stewart's I shall rule this League or see it burnt to ash's around me."

That's reasonable in my opinion.


I made the maps for quite some time and never got anything besides trouble out of it...

but I cheer for chaos getting something...

I'm for him getting.... the chaos flu on 10 planets of his choice and the death of billions... sounds nice eh?


Quote from: Hugin on August 18, 2010, 10:41:03 AM
I made the maps for quite some time and never got anything besides trouble out of it...

but I cheer for chaos getting something...

I'm for him getting.... the chaos flu on 10 planets in the southern half of the IS of his choice and the death of billions... sounds nice eh?


*evil cackle*