The Steiner Protectorate Of...???

Started by GraeGor, September 01, 2010, 05:58:25 PM

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The Steiner Protectorate Of...What Is Your Preference?

Star Commonwealth
3 (21.4%)
Kerensky Commonwealth
0 (0%)
Teutonic Commonwealth
0 (0%)
Commonwealth States
8 (57.1%)
3 (21.4%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Voting closed: October 01, 2010, 05:58:25 PM


I've pretty much decided upon calling the segment of the Lyran Commonwealth that chose to side with Charlie, and by default the Adders, the Steiner Protectorate.....

But what I want the rest of you all to decide is the Steiner Protectorate of what

The result may, repeat may, become the name for the whole of Clan Star Adder's Territory within the Inner Sphere, though I reserve the right to make minor modifications

*If you choose Other, please list your own choice if it isnt listed, or Quote someone elses' suggestion in addition to to voting Other


Umm...OKay.  Seems backwards.  It would appear to be the Adder/Kerensky Protectorate of Lyran States or similar?  But, that is just my linguistic take.  Still working through the existing names.


How about *just* The Steiner Protectorate?  No need to make things more complicated than they already are, right?


I suggest the Steiner Protectorate of Adder Zones. But only because it renders a good acronym. Steiner Protectorate of Elsie Worlds would do too, in a pinch.

Realistically, I think just the Steiner Protectorate would be best.


And I was just getting used to the CSA and the ACW being a "damn" Yankee carpetbagger and all. ;)


You as well? As one who just moved from NYC to Atlanta, I gotta ask - does the feeling of Unheimlichkeit eventually fade?


Yes and no, I've lived in southern GA for over 20 years and I'm still considered a Yankee locally.  Atlanta (especially the northern portion) is becoming more and more a northern city and I'm considered a Georgian by most of my friends from up that way.  The summers aren't always that much fun, but I definitely prefer the southern winter's and hospitality.

I don't know where people are playing BT regularly up in Atlanta, but there will be a few games at Dragon Con this weekend, and I can always ask around a bit with my Atlanta friends.  If you're interested in FoW, WM/Hordes, L5r, or Gw games I have some good starting points for ya if you need them. ;)


I agree with DXM. The Steinger Protectorate sounds fine, nothing needs to be added.


Quote from: august on September 01, 2010, 08:43:00 PM
You as well? As one who just moved from NYC to Atlanta, I gotta ask - does the feeling of Unheimlichkeit eventually fade?

As long as you never let on that yes, you did have relatives who fought for the North, in particular under Sherman... Oh and under no circumstances should you ever volunteer that a relative was one of General Grant's bodyguards.

Dave Baughman

I'm personally rather partial to the Star Kingdom of Manticore Star Commonwealth of Tharkad. Of course, it might be all those David Weber audiobooks I've been listening to at work...
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


The Stardrive books by him and Steve White are sooooo much better.  Specifically, In Death Ground and The Shiva Option.


GMs can lock this thread...I believe Ive received all the votes, or alternate suggestions, that Im going to get on this.

Will work on an official IC statement as to the result, along with a few other ideas Ive had *hehehe*