[RP] Turn 42, Outreach- MRBC Board of Inquiry

Started by Daemonknight, September 06, 2010, 05:55:04 AM

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Outreach, Terran Hegemony
MRBC Administration Building, Sub-Basement 2
MRBC Mercenary Relations and Contracts Department
Colonel Max Deveraux's office

Max's office was not the usual pristine, spartan office that most people saw. A host of papers were strewn about, mingling with half eaten psuedo-chinese food, 2 changes of clothes, and a 3/4 empty bottle of '71 Bollinger Grande Arnee, from Terra no less(a Dragoons Colonel had alot of pull with the Quartermaster). He was fast asleep on the plush couch in the corner of the room, an open case study on his chest, in danger of falling should he draw a large breath. His aide, Corporal Jerome Sykes, walked in gingerly, and began to silently clean up some of the room, knowing that the Colonel's last minute meetings before the BoI were in an hour. Luckily, the private bathroom was working, and he walked in to turn the shower on full-blast, knowing it took a shower the temperature of burnt mech coolant to wake the officer up after a long night spent in legal books.

Another trick learned through long service: waking the Colonel by throwing something at him from across the room. True to form, Colonel Deveraux rolled off the couch, his left arm immediatly dropping to the quick-draw holster for his antique, but powerful revolver. His eyes took a moment to focus, but when he saw Sykes, he re-holstered the weapon, and nodded his thanks before numbly walking to the shower.

"Morning Colonel. Your next meeting is in about a half hour. Shower is running, and coffee is brewing." Max thought the Corporal was a little too cheerful after having the oportunity to throw something at him, but the thought didn't surface very far through the haze of sleep and alcohol.

"Going to make you a Captain for this Jerome" Max managed to barely mumble the words out as he closed the door to his bathroom. Jerome simply shook his head and smiled, having been promised many promotions over the years, none of them remembered after the first shower or cup of coffee. Just another day trying to reign in the most reckless bunch of vagabonds in the Sphere.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Transmission Source: Outreach Military HPG
Transmission Begins:

To: Black Stone Highlanders, Brion's Legion, Snord's Irregulars, Gray Death Legion, Kristen's Krushers, Iron Fist Irregulars, Reagent Nondi Steiner, Duke Robert Kelswa-Steiner, Arc-Royal Estates General
From: Colonel Max Deveraux, MRBC Inquisitor
Subject: MRBC Board of Inquiry

All Commands must present themselves before the Board of Inquiry, or suffer an automatic reduction in Rating, and have their bonds revoked. Current and past employers may offer legal assistance, but atleast one member of a Command's officer or JAG corps must be present, to defend themselves.

Reagent Nondi Steiner is asked to send an LCAF-MR representative to Outreach. Duke Robert Kelswa-Steiner is asked to send a member of his staff to Outreach. The Arc-Royal Estates General is again asked to send a representative to Outreach.

Mercenary Commands have untill (Tuesday, 14th) to report to Outreach. Lyran representatives will have until (Wendsday, 15th) to have their representatives appear before the Board.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


OOC: Arc-Royal ignores the transmission; no representative is forthcoming.


OOC: Kommandant Amanda Nyxx,JAG corps will represent the LCAF.


OOC: Amberly McGuinness, Chief Legal Counsel for Blackstone BattleMechs Incorporated, is present on Outreach and will be representing the Blackstone Highlanders.  She has with her, as requested by Colonel Devereaux, a verigraphed document signed by Colonel Scott Blackstone granting BBMI and its affiliates full control over the Highlanders' legal defense.


OOC: The deadline has passed, and I have yet to recieve any RP from anyone except Blackstone Highlanders and the LCAF(DR6, is ur rep from Nondi, or Robert?).

If anyone is still interested, I'm going to begin my side of the RP around 5pm EST tommarow. Anyone who gets a post in before that won't be considered late. Since the fate of many of these units is tied to the FWL, its upto the FWL players to decide how they want to go foreward, either taking up the RP themselves, or trying to parcel it out.

Hopefully people get into this, As it could be quite fun, and with the new ability to run Merc units, it makes a much bigger splash for anyone interested in running one of the units under the microscope(I especially like the GDL, and would hate to have to smack them down for their crimes, because they weren't defended)
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


OOC: Technically both as Robert has allowed his troops to be subject to Nondi's orders.

  Outreach, LCAF Mercenary Liason Offices.

    "Colonel Devereaux's office please. This is Kommandant Nyx of the LCAF Mercenary Liason Office." She waited for the vid-com call to be transferred."


Colonel Deveraux noticed the small flashing light a moment before Sandy announced a LCAF officer calling. He sat infront of the vid-com unit, and opened the channel.

"Colonel Max Deveraux, what can I do for you Kommandant Nyx?"
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Quote from: Daemonknight on September 17, 2010, 05:11:48 AM
OOC: The deadline has passed, and I have yet to recieve any RP from anyone except Blackstone Highlanders and the LCAF(DR6, is ur rep from Nondi, or Robert?).

If anyone is still interested, I'm going to begin my side of the RP around 5pm EST tommarow. Anyone who gets a post in before that won't be considered late. Since the fate of many of these units is tied to the FWL, its upto the FWL players to decide how they want to go foreward, either taking up the RP themselves, or trying to parcel it out.

Hopefully people get into this, As it could be quite fun, and with the new ability to run Merc units, it makes a much bigger splash for anyone interested in running one of the units under the microscope(I especially like the GDL, and would hate to have to smack them down for their crimes, because they weren't defended)

OOC: Um you have remember, Denny Shore submitted a series of objections and invoked the recusal clause. The Mercs under FWL contract are utilizing joint legal defense paid for by the Free Worlds League per their contracts.

You didn't ask for anything from the FWL or FWL Legal Team so I figured you were starting with the Lyran Prosecution first. :-)



"I have been given istructions regarding the LC claim against all units in question. In light of recent developments all charges save for one have been withdrawn.  I will be submitting a finding regarding Brion's Legion. Brion's Legion has been charged with disturbing the peace in regards to their actions on Gacrux. As we are of the understanding that thier current employment status is unknown we ask that they submit a fromal apology to the Commonwealth as well as to the the people of Gacrux."


"Might I inquire as to the reasons behind the dropping of charges? Regardless of political considerations, if the allegations are infact true, it is my duty to investigate them. So unless you can provide proof that no such illegal activities occured, I cannot simply sweep it under the bed, so to speak."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Heh, told you so as you have told me so many times Judge, this is not a legal trial. Its a Review Board that is "investigating" a contract dispute between a employer and a mercenary command.

You have no complaining employer.

You have no complaining mercenary command.

When has the MRBC had the right to convene or continue a hearing without complaining party to bring charges against either against a Mercenary Command or a Employer.

I mean without there being a question of violation of the Ares convention or evidence of Piracy. Something sir you do not have.

Further you have completely denied the Mercenary Commands that you have accused here, the customary right to select one member of the Review Board each or even one by collective choice. Something I might add the Dragoons themselves have done every single time they have been brought before this board to answer for their commands actions.

Taking a cigar out of his pocket lighting and holding out for one of his juniors to light.

Denny Shore, Judge Denny Shore! Alan you can take it from here Mad Cow don't you know.



"Due to the destruction of Asgard on Tharkad the records involving the specific terms of the conracts as written were destroyed unless the MRBC has copies and the units in question have are willing present thier copies to the board the LCAF has only thier word as evidence. If that is sufficent the MRBC can and should sacntion the units in question. The LCAF records have been comprimised so the finding that Colonel Hasegawa sent to you initially is all the evidence that can be provided. The video nad radio transcrpits and recordings from Gacrux should back the charges against Brion's Legion."


((OOC: Pretty much any contract run under the MRBC would have 3 copies: The unit, the employer, and the MRBC, atleast thats how I would assume thats how it's played. Seeing as how I doubt anyone actually has the old contracts(if they were RP'd out at all), can we get a GM 'nod' to wether or not the MRBC has copies of the contracts?))
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Amberly McGuinness tossed her dark chocolate locks over her shoulders and stood.  "Your Honor, I understand your interpretation of your duty, but if the Lyran Commonwealth no longer wishes to bring charges against select mercenary units, that is their perogative.  As my esteemed colleague from the Free Worlds League -- please put that cigar out, I'm sure this is a no-smoking facility and it smells terrible -- pointed out a moment ago, there can be no trial if there is no aggrieved party."