[RP] MRBC Hiring Offices - Wolf's Dragoons

Started by NVA, September 06, 2010, 05:58:56 PM

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The sharp looking officer, a colonel in Star League Defense Force standard uniform, walked into the office of the Dragoons.

"I would like to inquire as to the current rate to hire the entirety of the Dragoons into SLDF service?  We could use such an experience unit against the clans."


The young woman behind the reception desk smiled at the SLDF Officer. She hit a few buttons on her console, bringing up the ready status of the Wolf's Dragoons.

"I must apologize Colonel, but it seems that only Alpha Command is actually prepared to accept a contract at this time. The other Commands are still in various stages of readiness, but most will not be availible for almost a month. I can point you to Major Stark's office, he handles the contract negotiations for Alpha Command, on behalf of Colonel Wolf. Please take the elevator to Floor 3, and the Major's office is third on the right."

She smiled pleasantly at the officer, hoping he wouldn't be too upset that he was getting no more than a 1/4 the forces he was expecting.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


The SLDF officer was followed by a young man in a grey uniform, showing a daggerstar and a rather low grade officer sign.

"Excuse me. I heard your conversation with the SLDF Colonel. I am also asking for a meeting with Major Stark to discuss a possible employment."

He showed his ID card

"My name is StarCaptain Nathan West. Clan Spirit Cat."


The young lady looked at the Clan warrior and frowned.

"I'm afraid that the Wolf's Dragoons will not accept any contracts from the Clans, seeing as how furthering any of your goals will be either directly, or indirectly, detrimental to the war we are currently fighting. I'm going to have to ask you to leave now, Star Captain."

((OOC: Special rules for the Dragoons, can't accept Contracts from the GC Clans. Sry Hugin! Try another unit, if someone takes someone other than the Dragoons.))
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


The warrior smiled

"Miss... What was your name?
I never said that I intend to hire the Dragoons. All I am seeking for is a private chat with a Dragoon official. If you prefer pointing me to someone else who is able to talk on behold of the Wolfs Dragoons, so be it.
If I have no chance of getting in contact with the Wolfs Dragoons here and today, so be it and I will leave..."


((thats what I get for ASSuming I suppose. My b!))

The woman looked a little taken aback, having so obviously misread the warrior's intentions.

"Uh, uhm, well Major Stark is bust with the SLDF officer, but Captain Jennings is right below him. I'll buzz you through, he is just down the hall to your left, second door on the right."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


"Colonel Stark, the Defense Force is looking to hire the Dragoons.  I understand that yours is the only command currently available for hire.  Whatis your rate?"


Colonel Stark looked the SLDF officer up and down.

"Before we get to the money, how about we discuss the actual mission, yes? What type of contract are you seeking here, Garrison duty, raiding, full-scale invasion? Whats the duration? Are you expecting us to operate under your Chain of Command, or are you prepared to offer us autonomy? What type of Salvage rights are we talking? There are alot of factors to consider, Colonel, before I can give you a price."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


"You would operate as a unit of the Defense Force.  Mission profile would be all types, as we don't have the forces to dedicate to any single mission.  We are looking long term, but part of that will depend on the High Council.  Given the clans current methods, you would rarely operate independently.  Small forces don't stand a chance.  As such, you would get a portional salvage."


"While I realize that we will be taking direction from the SLDF, what I mean to say is, will you require direct control over our forces, or will Dragoons commanders have the ability to react to situations as they see fit? It is not our way to place ourselves at the mercy of outside commanders, Colonel.

From what you've just said, we could be doing anything from garrisoning a backwater, to spearheading an assault on Sudeten. As a mercenary, I must base our pay scale on the later possibility, to cover our potential risks. Likewise, since you yourself are not able to give me a stable timeline for our employment, I will be forced to go with something short term, with a clause for extensions." The Major had begun typing on his console as the SLDF Colonel spoke. Now, a printer behind him began chattering, and a hardcopy draft contract was being printed.

**Wolf's Dragoons Alpha Command Contract-DRAFT**
Employer: Star Leauge Defense Force
Mission: Variable(Garrison -> Planetary Assault)
Length of Employment: November 3069 -> February 3070(T43, 2 turns)

Mission Briefing:
Wolf's Dragoons will be placed into combat along the Clan Front. Fluid contact means a permenant posting is highly unlikly, unless garrisoning a Priority world. Potential action includes: raids on Clan planets, skirmishes with Clan forces, assaulting Clan worlds alongside SLDF, garrisoning important worlds.

Salvage Rights:
Wolf's Dragoons recieve 15% of availible salvage from forces they engage

Command Authority:
Wolf's Dragoons retain command autonomy from SLDF Chain of Command. Maeve Wolf is granted the brevet rank of Colonel or higher within SLDF structure for the purposes of theatre and operational command.

SLDF will provide transportation for Alpha Command from Outreach to a rally point along the Clan front. Once arriving, Wolf's Dragoons will be responsible for their own transport, unless combat losses remove their spacelift capacity.

Additional Clauses:
Escape Clause: Wolf's Dragoons reserve the right to terminate their contract if they feel they are being unjustly jeopardized by SLDF commands. SLDF reserves the right to terminate this contract if Wolf's Dragoons fail to comply with reasonable orders. Execution of this clause will require oversight by the MRBC.

Emergency Transportation: In the event that Alpha Command's integrated transports are destroyed, the SLDF will immediatly transport Wolf's Dragoons back to Outreach for repairs. Execution of this Clause also constitutes a legal termination of this contract, with no forfeiture of funds, salvage, or other forms of payment by the SLDF to Wolf's Dragoons.

Monthly payments: 2.5RP/month (5RP/turn)
Hazard Pay: 10RP/battle, 17.5RP/invasion (one-time per turn surcharge, to help cover repairs)

Current Contract payments: 5/turn x2 = 10RP + Hazard Pay
Duration payments made upfront, Hazard pay is calculated at the end of the current contract

Major Stark took the draft contract off the printer and handed it to the Colonel to look over.
"I don't expect this to be to your satisfaction on my first try, but atleast we have a starting point, yes?"
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


TO:General Maeve Wolf of Wolf's Dragoons.
From: Colonel Marcus Garibaldi FWLM Mercenary Adjutants office

Forces deployed on this operation is at General Wolf's Discretion, Duration is for 8 months.

Article I
The Free Worlds League proffers an independent raiding contract against Star Adder  and Adder Comm worlds, industrial centers and troop concentrations.

Article II
Wolf's Dragoons to maintain Strategic and Tactical Command.

Aticle III
Dragoons to provide their own transport assets.

Article IV
Dragoon's to choose their own targets.

Article V
Dragoons to claim 60% of salvage rights. Payable in material or cash. Except for all Naval or Aerospace Asset's all salvageable or captured naval and aerospace asset's are the property of the FWL as employer.

Article VI
Combat Bounties on offer for this contract:
2 RP for every 5 FP of Adder Com Forces destroyed.
4 RP for every Adder Com World conquered and turned over to Free Worlds Control.
3 RP for every Adder Com Officer captured as bondsmen and turned over to Free Worlds Control of Galaxy Commander/ General rank (not applicable to non-battlearmor infantry commanders)
20 RP should The Dragoons successfully capture Star Colonel Charlemange Steiner and turn him over to FWL control


To: Colonel Marcus Garibaldi FWLM Mercenary Adjutants office
From: Wolf's Dragoons Contracts Department

We have recieved your contract offer, and will respond within 3 business days with either acceptance or a counter offer.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


To: Colonel Marcus Garibaldi FWLM Mercenary Adjutants office
From: Wolf's Dragoons Contracts Department

Wolf's Dragoons Proposal:

Article I: Command Authority
Wolf's Dragoons to maintain Strategic and Tactical Command.

Aticle II: Transportation
Dragoons to provide their own transport assets.

Article III: Target
Dragoon's to choose their own targets.

Article IV: Salvage rights
Dragoons to claim 60% of salvage rights. Payable in material or cash. Except for all Naval or Aerospace Asset's all salvageable or captured naval and aerospace asset's are the property of the FWL as employer.

Article V/a: Payment
2 RP/month(4 RP/turn) for minimum maintenance

V/b: Combat Bonuses
2 RP for every 5 FP of Adder Com Forces destroyed.
5 RP for every Adder Com World conquered and turned over to Free Worlds Control.
1 RP for every MF/SY/PF on conquored worlds turned over to FWL
25 RP should The Dragoons successfully capture Star Colonel Charlemange Steiner and turn him over to FWL control

Article VI: Escape Clause
Wolf's Dragoons reserve the right to terminate this contract if it is deemed by the Command staff, that orders recieved from Employer(FWLM) are placing the Dragoons in a disproportionatly dangerous assignment. Wolf's Dragoons would then retreat to a 'safe zone', to either renegotiate the contract, or else nullify the contract in whole, and return to Outreach.

Article VII: Emergency Transportation
In the event that Wolf's Dragoons integrated transport assets are lost due to combat situations, the Employer(FWLM) will immediatly transport all surviving elements of Wolf's Dragoons back to Outreach, at cost, and the contract will be legally terminated, at no loss to either the Dragoons or their Employer(FWLM).
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Captain Jennings read the datapad twice, and then looked up at Star Captain West.

"Well Star Captain, forgive me if I don't take your word at face value, but your Clan does have something of a history in the Hegemony. I'm willing to listen, but a treaty of No-Contact is above my pay grade, and would need to be handled by Colonel Wolf herself. Shes a mite busy with getting Alpha ready for deployment. Interestingly, an offer has come through that would place our forces in more immediate proximity, so a meeting could potentially be arraigned that way.

What exactly is your Khans' proposal?"
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


((Wolf's Dragoons Alpha Command and the FWLM have agreed to the terms of the last posted contract. All RP is in that context.))

Captain Jennings looked at his console as the mastoid implant buzzed softly, alerting him to a priority message. It seemed that the Contracts department had just come to an agreement with the FWLM, meaning that the man infront of him ceased to be of monetary value. And considering his heritage, he was hardly the type to be engaging in polite conversation.

Still smiling as the Clanner began to speak, Captain Jennings hit a red button under his desk. As the alert sounded, the two Dragoons Elementals entered through the side door from the Security room. They stepped to either side of the somewhat suprised Star Captain.

"I apologize Star Captain...well lets be honest, I don't give a rat's ass about you, and frankly, I'm suprised you've made it this far without being shot. It is something I am sure that ROM will rectify shortly."

**The Star Captain gets to react before being hauled off to a holding tank**

***Once the SC is taken away, Captain Jennings informs a local ComStar ROM agent about the prisoner, and requests either a ROM escort, or a location the Dragoons can escort him too***
Major Stark likewise felt the tickle of his mastoid implant, and checked the message. However, unlike Captain Jennings, the man sitting across from him WAS someone you could engage in polite conversation.

"I must apologize Colonel, but it seems another negotiation has borne fruit, and Alpha is currently off the market. When another unit becomes availible, you will of course be given an equal chance to acquire their services."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade