[RP] Turn 42 - Tharkad 1619 RP thread.

Started by Deathrider6, September 09, 2010, 08:06:57 AM

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  Daniel Russell chuckled softly. " I did not take offense but appreciate the apology Colonel Taks was gracious enough to apologize personally. I wish him well. I'm not sure what we can do  about Arc-Royal at the present but if a brifing on the situation and a summary of troops strength would be helpful if we are with that we could plan supply and possible reenforcement. I will not be offended if you consult with you government before giving my any data on that front Delegate."


"No contact with the Estates General on Arc-Royal is necessary at the moment; I have been given full authorization to provide information and intelligence. It is the latter that concerns me most. As you may know, our forces captured several clan bondsmen last month, and thanks to other, more discrete sources, we have been able to assemble a fairly good picture of clan intentions for the immediate future. As you know, the invaders have consolidated their forces, moving on Tamar last month, and currently against the FWL on Coventry. What directly troubles my government, however, is a third fleet gathering now for a move on Arc-Royal. Transmissions signed by the ilKhan, and passed along to Arc-Royal by certain sources, indicate that a smaller task force is to move on Arc-Royal itself in three weeks or so."

"Estimates indicate a possible 3-5 warships moving on our space. While this is a minor enough force in itself, Arc-Royal possesses only a single capital vessel, and we cannot hope to stop them alone. In essence, my call for cooperation is a cry for help. What we ask is that Lyran fleet assets gather, and oppose the clans at Arc-Royal. Let us do it ourselves; let it be a show of Lyran strength and unity to wash away the bickering of the last months. Although the force might be small by clan standards, a unified Lyran victory would be key for our own political purposes and would show all others that they cannot prey on our worlds without cost."

"In exchange, I can offer the full cooperation and integration of the Arc-Royal zone with the wider Commonwealth. In effect, our capitulation on claims to sovereign authority and submission to Tharkad. All we ask are that the representatives from Arc-Royal's Estates General not appointed under emergency powers be restored to their positions on Tharkad, and immunity from prosecution for our leadership. Those conditions being met, we would accept either Duke Kelswa-Steiner or the General of the Armies as Archon."

"I won't pretend that we don't ask this out of a certain panic, but there is enough to be gained as a whole for the Lyran people that I hope the offer nonetheless suits."



  Robert thought for a moment. "Let's see what General Steiner has to say but I'm certain that the Estates Genereral here would welcome your representatives."



Daniel stood up and cleared his throat. "Gentlemen, I need about two hours I have a meeting to attend. I also need to see the Speaker of the Estates General. If they managed to elect one." He quickly strode out of the room.

Dave Baughman

Her eyes half shut between drooped and sagging lids, it was difficult to tell of Nondi Steiner was simply deep in thought or if she had fallen asleep. After a few moments more, it was clear that the former was the case: straightening, she looked at the Estates General man.

"Delegate Numens," she said carefully, as if picking her words one at a time, "after all your former colleagues have done to undermine the lawful structures of the Lyran Commonwealth I am of half a mind to let Arc Royal," she paused again, "burn in the fires it has lit."


a long pause followed, as the regent's head lolled slightly to the side, but a moment later she regained her posture,

"Against my better judgement I find myself unwilling to let Arc Royal go to the fate it so richly deserves. General Russel," she turned to the military official, "please determine what aid we can send to Arc Royal. I believe with the arrival of the 8th Donegal Guards we can release the 37th Lyran Guards RCT for action and still maintain law and order on Tharkad."

"Herr Numens," she added with a slow and malicious smile, "please understand that my intentions are not purely for the benefit of Arc Royal. If the Clan move against the system is deflected, it is my full intention to order that every last one of those treasonous bastards on Arc Royal is put up in front of a wall. If you wind that unacceptable... you should not have requested our assistance."
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Numem paused for a moment and then nodded gravely.

"General Steiner, I thank you. My first loyalty... my first loyalty is to the people of Arc-Royal, not to its political class. If the Delegate Timkovichi and his people must face punishment, so be it. Let it not be said that I am not humble enough to understand the exigencies here. And... after a fashion, I believe that the Martyrs will understand as well. In their own way, they are, I believe, already reconciled to their fates."


  Daniel nodded. "Yes General, The 8th is currently at Coventry but could be retasked. The 1st Royal Guards are closest to Arc-Royal. I can cut orders at once. I can shift the ASF and some elements of the 8th if needed."


Richard Tutuola - "The SLDF  still has a large presence near Arc Royal; if Tharkad is willing to guarantee cooperation, we can double back.  Our other requirement will be that the leadership who had a part in arranging for and threatening the Commanding General be handed over to the Star League to face charges for their actions.  This would include the woman who was the supposed planetary leader, as she lured MArco Hall there."

(OOC: minor RP retcon in connection with a ruling sent by PM to the interested parties)



  "Loremaster Tutuola, the SLDF can be supported but I'm sure the Archon might beg to differ. He may a different idea of what needs to be done. The Estates General has duly elected an Archon." He looked over at Robert.

  Robert shook his head. "I'm sure that you and General Steiner have a plan in motion. I will defer to her judgement. The two of you have far more experience dealing with the clans than I do."



  Colonel Avril Reis peeked inside the door. "General Russell, there is a clan jumpship requesting permission to send an envoy to the surface. It has been intercepted and awaiting final clearance. If they wanted to invade a single jumper is insufficent. I would recommend letting the envoy land and find out what they want."



  "Clear them. Meet them when they arrive Colonel and make damn sure that they are treated well. I'll deal with Robert and Nondi."